Chad Godsey
Number: (970)431-0801
Chad Godsey was born and raised on a farm and ranch near Wray in northeastern Colorado. After graduating from Colorado State University with his B.S. in Ag Business and Soil and Crop Science, he went to Kansas State University to get his M.S. and PhD in Agronomy/Soil Fertility. During his M.S., which focused on site-specific management of Fe chlorosis in irrigated corn in SW Kansas, he developed a passion for precision agriculture. He switched focus for his PhD studies, which were centered on soil test recommendations and management of no-till acidic soils. He also worked full-time as the KSU Soil Testing Lab Manager during his PhD studies.
After graduation in 2005 he went to work at Oklahoma State University as a Cropping System Specialist in the Department of Plant and Soil Sciences. He served as the State Specialist for most of the oilseeds produced in the state. Most of his research and extension efforts were focused on increasing the efficiency of crop production through use of technology, no-tillage, and crop rotation. Throughout his graduate studies and time at OSU, he stayed actively involved with precision ag research and how to best use the technology in real-world situations.
As a result of his time at OSU, he began to notice a disconnect between the precision ag industry and past research that had been conducted at Universities. In an effort to bridge this disconnect Chad created Godsey Precision Ag in an effort to help producers better utilize precision ag technologies to increase their profitability. Chad is a firm believer in utilizing precision ag technology to increase the efficiency of crop inputs to make the most yield and profitability out of your farm.
Preston Talbert
Number: (970)431-0802
Preston Talbert started out in Cheyenne Wells, CO, where his family has been farming and ranching for four generations. He has been a part of this irrigated and dryland operation since he was old enough to ride in the tractors and combines. Preston moved to Wray as a freshman in high school, and worked for Stalk, Inc. This experience gave him a great understanding of how production ag occurred from the industry side. He grew interested in this topic and pursued a B.S. in Agronomy from the University of Wyoming. During his time there, he was employed at Godsey Precision Ag as an intern. After graduation, Preston joined Godsey Ag full time and also began his M.S. in Agronomy from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
Preston’s constant involvement and development to Godsey Precision Ag has led to a partnership between Chad and Preston. Preston has grown the machinery and equipment portion of the business to bring the best yields and durable implements to this area. He is devoted to delivering the best technology, planter attachments, and precision equipment to this area for all your farming needs.
Brandon Schenk
Precision Equipment Specialist
Sterling Office Manager
Number: (970)630-3493
Brandon grew up on his family’s farming operation 15 miles south of Akron, CO. He attended Colorado State University in Fort Collins where he dual majored in Soil and Crop Science and Agricultural Business. Brandon also enjoyed working for the Colorado Seed Laboratory as a lab assistant during his time in college. While at CSU he had the opportunity to study abroad at Lincoln University in New Zealand for a semester. There he studied Viticulture (the growing of grapes for wine), soil science, and ag business. Brandon graduated from CSU in December of 2019.
Brandon’s first job after graduating college was with Wickham Tractor Company (WTC) as a Precision Ag Specialist for their Sterling and Fort Morgan locations. While with WTC he gained valuable experience working with Trimble and Precision Planting products, as well as various systems factory installed on Case IH equipment.
Branon is the location manager for the Sterling, CO branch. His main responsibilities within Godsey Precision Ag are hardware sales and support. He works with the Precision Planting, Trimble, and Ag Leader product lines, and services customers in the Logan, Washington, and Morgan County areas. Brandon is excited to help grow Godsey Precision Ag in this new location to provide ample support to the growers in this area.
Jayden Hess
Precision Agronomist
Jayden Hess attended Yuma High School in Northeastern Colorado where he began his interest in agriculture. He was highly involved in the agriculture program and was an active member of Future Farmers of America (FFA), going as far as to compete at the national level. After graduating he continued his interest in agriculture at Nebraska Wesleyan University. There he studied Ag Business as well as playing collegiate football. Before joining the Godsey Ag team Jayden was the aerial manager at the Aurora Co-op where he developed a fascination with agronomy and yield output.
Today, Jayden works as a precision agronomist for Godsey Ag. He takes part in scouting through the growing season, he operates SoilOptix, and collects tissue and soil samples throughout the year. Jayden is dedicated to using precision technologies, consistent soil testing and timely results to give you the best information for your fields and yield output.
Lee Vetter
Precision Equipment Specialist
Lee Vetter was born and raised in Wiley, Colorado and later attended Oklahoma Panhandle State University graduating with a bachelor’s degree in Agricultural Education. Immediately upon graduating Lee went to work as the agricultural educator at Yuma High School for the next 19 years. He fostered hundreds of students love for agriculture and made major impacts on not only FFA and the high school, but the community.
Lee decided to take a different step in his career and is now the Precision Equipment Specialist for Godsey Ag. Lee’s role consists of hardware and software installations of various ag equipment, as well as maintenance and repairs on planters and liquid application systems. Lee is your go to guy for planter maintenance and upgrades, and is dedicated to you having a smooth planting season.
Annsley Ferrari
Marketing Specialist
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Megan Welp
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